JBS | Avis Car Rental

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Avis Wizard Number *
{{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.firstName}} {{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.lastName}}
{{vm.customer.firstName}} {{vm.customer.lastName}}
{{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.firstName}} {{vm.reservationModel.personalInfoRQ.lastName}}
msg.res.benefitsApplied,avis {{couponCount}}
Discount Codes {{couponCount}}*
Discount Codes {{couponCount}}*
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* Optional

Note: Rates are calculated based on details you provide. Modifications may change your rate, and if so, the Car Selection page will redisplay.

lbl.res.memberRatesSavingMob,avis lbl.res.memberRatesStartResv,avis lbl.res.step3.reservationSummary.memberbenefits.termsApply,avis

Avis is proud to be the preferred car rental partner to JBS Staff

Whether it's a weekend getaway, or just a well-deserved holiday, Avis has a vehicle to suit your mobility needs including our luxury Signature Series. With the largest rental network of over 240 locations across Australia and 40 locations in New Zealand, you're never far from a pick up point and friendly Avis service. Simply complete your details online for a quote or reservation.

Exclusive to JBS staff & employees, Avis is pleased to offer the following benefits:

  • Guaranteed discount corporate rates for rentals in Australia and New Zealand covering our wide range of passenger vehicles, SUV’s trucks, vans, minibuses and 4WD vehicles
  • The rates are available all year round including school holidays and peak holiday seasons. A discounted excess reduction option also applies.
  • As a Qantas partner you also have the ability to earn Qantas Frequent Flyer Points on every rental.


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